

Choose a random color, convert from HEX to RGB and vice versa


The conversion between the hexadecimal (hex) and RGB (Red, Green, Blue) color systems is a common operation in graphic design, web development, and image manipulation. Understanding how to convert colors from one format to another is essential for working with precision and achieving desired results. In this article, we will explore in detail the steps for converting from hexadecimal to RGB and vice versa, providing practical examples to help you better understand the process.

Hexadecimal to RGB Conversion

The hexadecimal color system is widely used in web and graphic design as it allows concise and accurate representation of colors using combinations of numbers and letters. Typically, a hexadecimal color is represented by a hash symbol (#) followed by six alphanumeric characters. For example, #FF0000 represents pure red.

Here are the steps to convert a hexadecimal color to RGB:

  1. Remove the hash symbol (#) from the hexadecimal color.
  2. Split the remaining six characters into pairs of two to represent the red, green, and blue channel values.
  3. Convert each character pair to the corresponding decimal number.
  4. Divide the decimal values by 255 to obtain normalized RGB channel values between 0 and 1.
  5. The final result will be the normalized RGB values.

For example, let's take the hexadecimal color #336699:

  1. By removing the hash symbol, we get "336699".
  2. Splitting the characters into pairs, we have "33" for red, "66" for green, and "99" for blue.
  3. Converting the pairs to decimals, we get the values: red = 51, green = 102, and blue = 153.
  4. Normalizing the values by dividing by 255, we get: red = 0.2, green = 0.4, and blue = 0.6.
  5. Therefore, the final normalized RGB color is (0.2, 0.4, 0.6).

RGB to Hexadecimal Conversion

The conversion from RGB to hexadecimal follows a similar but reverse process compared to the one described above.

Here are the steps to convert an RGB color to hexadecimal:

  1. Take the values of the red, green, and blue channels and multiply each of them by 255.
  2. Convert the resulting values to hexadecimal.
  3. Concatenate the three hexadecimal values to form the hexadecimal code.
  4. Add the hash symbol (#) at the beginning of the obtained hexadecimal code.

For example, let's take the RGB color (128, 64, 32):

  1. By multiplying the values by 255, we get: red = 32640, green = 16320, and blue = 8160.
  2. Converting the values to hexadecimal, we get: red = 7F00, green = 3F80, and blue = 1F40.
  3. Concatenating the three hexadecimal values, we get "7F003F801F40".
  4. Finally, by adding the hash symbol, we obtain the final hexadecimal code: #7F003F801F40.


The conversion between hexadecimal and RGB is a fundamental skill for working with colors in digital contexts. Understanding how to convert colors from one format to another allows for more flexible and precise color manipulation and usage. Remember that converting from hexadecimal to RGB involves removing the hash symbol, splitting characters into pairs, converting to decimals, and normalizing. On the other hand, converting from RGB to hexadecimal requires multiplying by 255, converting to hexadecimal, and concatenating values. By using these steps, you will be able to easily convert colors between the two

systems, simplifying your work with colors in design and development activities.
